During the month, the volume of deposits increased by 2.04 trillion tenge. The largest growth is accounted for by corporate deposits, which increased by 1.04 trillion tenge, and household deposits increased by 998.5 billion tenge. The share of household and legal entities deposits was 52% and 48%, respectively. Detailed dynamics are published in the form of interactive graphs in the “Economy in numbers” section: https://jusananalytics.kz/en/dinamika-depozitov/.
The deposit portfolio has shrunk the most among Russian subsidiary banks in Kazakhstan for 6 months. Thus, “ECO CENTER BANK” JSC (a subsidiary of “Bank CenterCredit” JSC) lost more than 90%, “Sberbank” SB JSC and VTB Bank (Kazakhstan) JSC – about 89%. The outflow of deposits from these banks in monetary terms amounted to 3.28 trillion tenge.
Since the beginning of the year the volume of deposits has also decreased at “IB “Zaman-Bank”JSC by 52.3%, “First Heartland Jusan Bank” JSC by 11.3%, “KZI BANK” SB” JSC by 8.8% and “Nurbank” JSC by 6.5%. At the same time, only two of them have slightly increased the volume of deposits over the month: Jusan Bank added 89.1 billion tenge, Nurbank – 26.7 billion tenge.
The outflow of deposits from Russian subsidiary banks was reflected in the inflow of both corporate and retail deposits from Bank CenterCredit JSC, Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan JSC and KASPI BANK JSC, which has increased by 56.7%, 16.4% and 18.3% respectively since the beginning of the year.
The same banks are the leaders in the monthly growth of the retail deposit portfolio. “Bank Freedom Finance Kazakhstan” JSC also continues to increase the volume of retail deposits, the growth for the month was 36.3%. The volumes of “Citibank Kazakhstan” JSC decreased significantly – by 93.9%.
The record holder of last month for the increase in corporate deposits of “Bank Home Credit” SB JSC, whose deposit portfolio of the corporate segment reached 175 billion tenge that time, in June deposits decreased by 97.5%. The last time the bank had such a decrease was in April (-83.6%).