World macroeconomic outlook (August 2022)

Main conclusions



The world economy is dangerously close to stagnation or recession. The GDP growth rates are declining in both developed and developing countriesIn most developed and developing countries inflation is taking on dangerous proportions and leads to harsh measures to reduce the price growth
The growth of key rates of the US Federal Reserve, the ECB and the Bank of England reduces the purchasing power of national currencies in developing countriesThe geopolitical tensions around Ukraine and the mutual exchange of sanctions worsen the current state and prospects of the world economy
Central banks of developed countries and developing countries are raising key rates to combat inflation, which reduces the growth rate of the world GDPThe growth of coronavirus cases in the world, severe government measures in China and several other countries to combat the virus are slowing down business activity worldwide
Abnormal weather conditions in key centres of the world economy pose threats to the world GDP growth and world food securityThe GDP growth rates are declining in the largest economies (the USA and China), which slows down the world GDP growth
Due to geopolitical tensions and international sanctions commodity markets have strong volatility


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World macroeconomic outlook (August 2022) World macroeconomic outlook (August 2022)
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